Define the scope of your renovation

Are you thinking of renovating your home, but don’t know where to start? Look no further! This guide will show you how to plan home renovation like a pro.

No matter what your budget is, or what kind of renovations you’re planning, this guide will help you get started on the right foot. So read on, and learn how to plan home renovation like a boss!

How to plan home renovation

The first step in any home renovation is to define the scope of the project. This is often the most challenging part of the process, as it can be difficult to know where to start and how much work needs to be done. If you’re not sure where to begin, take a look around your home and make a list of all the areas that you would like to improve. Once you have a clear idea of the work that needs to be done, you can begin planning your renovation.

One important factor to consider when defining the scope of your renovation is your budget. It’s important to be realistic about what you can afford to spend on your project, as this will help you to set realistic expectations for the finished product. Make sure to get an accurate estimate of all costs before you begin work, so that there are no surprises later on.

Once you have a good understanding of the scope of your renovation and your budget, you can begin planning the details of your project. This is where you will need to decide on things like materials, fixtures, and finishes. You will also need to determine how much work needs to be done in each area of your home, so that you can create a timeline for your renovation.

If you’re planning a major home renovation, it’s also a good idea to consult with an architect or designer. They can help you to create a plan that fits both your vision and your budget. In addition, they may also be able to provide guidance on where to find the best materials and contractors for your project.

Set a budget

The first step is to set a budget. How much can you afford to spend on the project? This will help dictate how extensive the renovations can be. If you have a limited budget, you may have to scale back your plans or do the work in stages. Once you have a figure in mind, add 10% to 20% to cover unexpected costs. This ” contingency fund” will give you some wiggle room if you need it. Then, consult with a financial advisor or banker to get pre-approved for a home equity loan or line of credit. This way, you’ll know exactly how much money you have to work with and can avoid going over budget.

Choose your team

Whether you plan to tackle the project yourself or hire a professional, you’ll need to put together a team that can get the job done. Here’s a look at the different members of your renovation team and what role they will play in your project.


If you’re not working with an architect, you’ll need to hire a designer to develop the plans for your renovation. The designer will create a blueprint of your existing space, incorporating your ideas and needs into the design. Once the plans are completed, the designer will work with you to select materials and finishes that will be used in your renovation.


The contractor is responsible for executing the plans developed by the designer and overseeing all aspects of the construction process. If you’re not hiring a professional contractor, you’ll need to find a reliable tradesperson who can do the work. Depending on the scope of your project, you may also need to hire subcontractors (electricians, plumbers, etc.) to complete specific tasks.

Construction crew

The construction crew consists of the workers who will actually be doing the work on your home. If you’re not hiring a professional contractor, you may be able to do some or all of the work yourself. However, unless you have experience in construction, it’s probably best to leave it to the professionals.

Create a timeline

Before beginning any renovation, it is crucial to sit down and create a realistic timeline for the completion of the project. No matter how experienced or well-equipped you may be, renovating a home is a huge undertaking that is bound to take longer than initially expected. Add in the fact that you will likely need to live in the house during the renovation, and you have a recipe for disaster if you don’t plan accordingly.

Creating a timeline doesn’t need to be complicated – a simple list of tasks with estimated completion dates will do. Once you have an idea of what needs to be done and when, you can start working on other important aspects of the renovation, such as hiring contractors, ordering materials, etc. Trying to complete everything without a plan is likely to result in delays, cost overruns, and frustration.